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The Price of Blood

DCI McNeill - Book 5

Coming 29th May!

Sins of the Fathers, book 4 in the DCI McNeill series, was reviewed by Ruth Matheson on Lomond Radio 30th January 2025. You can listen to the whole episode here - https://player.autopod.xyz/806409 the review is at the 1 minute 40 second mark.

For those who are hard of hearing here is the transcript:

Welcome back with me, Ruth Matheson. We're on to Ruth's Reads as usual at 11 o'clock.

This week, the book is Sins of the Fathers by Jacqueline New. It's the fourth book in the series featuring DCI 'Mac' McNeil. This one is set in and around Edinburgh, specifically Mary King's Close, where they replicate what old Edinburgh would have looked like.

I've never actually done it as a tourist, but reading this book makes me want to go and do it—although I don't really want to find a body down there! That's the gist of it: a body is found in the depths of the close, the victim of a ritual killing. I won't give any more away, but with each clue, Mac is drawn closer to a confrontation with a killer driven by a twisted sense of justice.

If you've read the other three books, you'll know that he's also trying to find out who killed his sister back in Skye many years ago. At the same time, he has to protect those nearest and dearest to him while solving this crime.

As I said, this is the fourth book—I've read all the others and really enjoyed them. They call it Edinburgh noir, and it's a really good psychological thriller.

I also decided to continue the theme of "new" in the title, so here's A New Flame by Simply Red.